Wednesday, October 28, 2009

10 weeks = Kumquat?????

So I just read that our darling, sweet, alien looking baby is the size of a Kumquat now at 10 weeks!! Yeah, your growing!! However, someone please tell me, what the heck is a Kumquat? It sounds terrible and I am almost offended that that is what my baby is being compared to. Yes, maybe I'm a little over protective, but give me a break there are a lot of hormones going on here. Things have been a little crazy since I last posted that we were expecting...I took a trip to San Diego to become a fitness instructor for an oraganization call Stroller Strides. Killed myself there working out like crazy for four days straight while dealing with early pregnancy nausea and fatigue. Came back sick with "the" flu and was down for another week and am now slowly starting to feel better, but I could honestly sleep myself through the rest of the first trimester. Please just wake me up when I'm supposed to start feeling "normal" again. Also, I know I knew in the back of my head that you tend to show earlier the more pregnancies you have, but seriously come on, my pants haven't fit for about three weeks, but I refuse to go get mat. pants yet and so I've been wearing sweat pants and work out pants, t-shirts and sweatshirts and let me tell you I look lovely!! My only wish is that if your going to show earlier with each pregnancy then make it an actual baby bump and not just jelly roll.
Brian has been "Super Dad" through the last three or four weeks! He is just everything...he took care of the girls while I was San Diego, then took care of all of us when I was sick, kept the house clean, the laundry done, and started to build a work out room in our garage. I'm so blessed to have him, but at the same time he has put me to shame. I feel like being a mom takes a lot of work and at times is hard, and he swoops in and is like what's so hard about this? Maybe that is just my insecurities talking because he is amazing and helped out soooo much...Thanks babe!!
The girls are good and are very much looking forward to Halloween!! I don't know if Hailee will let us get her in her costume, but we'll try. Chloe is going to be a Fairy Princess and it's the first time I've let her get a costume that is very thin in fabric and so we will have a fun time getting warm clothes underneath it. I'm sure that will lead to some sort of squabble.
We'll get some Halloween pictures up this weekend and I will post belly pictures as soon as the belly looks like a pregnant one and not just FAT!!


Friday, October 9, 2009

One little, Two little, THREE little Simpson's...

Yep...that's right we are expecting our third little buddle of joy!! We are so excited and we are definitely keeping our fingers crossed for a little boy. So everyone please send us blue thoughts...however, either way we are still super excited!! Our due date is May 26, 2010 which makes me about 7 1/2 weeks right now. I know it's hard to believe that we are actually getting to have a baby in the spring and not during the winter holidays, but honestly if we were to have another holiday baby..........I don't even know what I would do.........maybe just go crazy!

Sorry I don't have any cool ultrasound pictures to put with this post, but since I don't work in L&D anymore I don't get any of the cool free ultrasound!

Wish us luck!!